How to enroll students in space addenda

How to enroll students in space addenda

How to Enroll Students in Your Space Addendum Class in the IPC Edge 2.0 Certification Portal

  1. Navigate to the "Class Details" page for the desired class (in the Certification Portal – certification.ipcedge.org)

    • Note – The Space Addendum will be in a separate class from the base certification

  1. Click Enroll Students located at the bottom of the page.

  1. You can enroll student using one of the following options in the Enroll Student page

  2. By Email – If the student's email address is in our database this option will enroll the student immediately

  3. By Name – This option allows you to search for students by name.

Common Problems and Troubleshooting

This error message is the most common problem encountered when enrolling students. The most common reasons for encountering this message are:

  • The student has not completed the mandatory module and one optional module for the base certification.

  • The student has not yet downloaded their certificate for the base course.

  • The class in which the student completed their base certification had a different revision or language setting.

  • The student has completed prerequisites and downloaded their certificate for the base course, but the grades are not synced yet. In this case the instructor may manually sync the scores by navigating to the class details page for the base course class and selecting "Get Scores".