Exams are paid for in advance. To order certificates you would now contact Customer Service to place your order. Each order will be associated with an invoice number. That invoice number will automatically appear in the invoice drop-down when scheduling the class or on the Invoice Remaining tab. The invoices can only be accessed using the FIFO (First In First Out) method and will alert you if the wrong invoice is selected.The costs of the exams are $10 per test. If you order four or more tests, we will provide you with a discounted rate of $35 for a complete set of exams.
This product code is used when testing to four or more modules (list price $35/exam).
This product code is used when ordering a la carte (list price $10/exam)
Customer service’s contact information is below.
IPC Customer Service
3000 Lakeside Drive, Suite 105 N
Bannockburn, IL 60015
1 847-597-2862 - Phone
1 847-615-7114 - Fax
Orderipc@ipc.org – Email
On Line Certification Exams: Effective January 1, 2017, a fee of $35.00 will be charged for all online certification exams. The fee includes any and all exams that will result in a certificate. All mandatory and optional modules are included and can be taken anytime within the 2-year certification cycle. As part of this program students will be entitled to one free exam retake if they fail on the first try. Additional exam retakes will be charged at $10 each.
On Line Print Exams: Due to increased cost of programing and maintenance of the online print exam program, effective January 1, 2017, the online print exam charge will be $50 per student. As part of this program as well, students will be entitled to one free exam retake. Additional exam retakes will be charged at $10 each. All optional modules are included and can be taken anytime within the 2-year certification cycle.
IPC Customer Service
3000 Lakeside Drive, Suite 105 N
Bannockburn, IL 60015
1 847-597-2862 - Phone
1 847-615-7114 - Fax
Orderipc@ipc.org – Email