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On Line Print Exams: Due to increased cost of programing and maintenance of the online print exam program, effective January 1, 2017, the online print exam charge will be $50 per student. As part of this program as well, students will be entitled to one free exam retake. Additional exam retakes will be charged at $10 each. All optional modules are included and can be taken anytime within the 2-year certification cycle.

CQI-ONLINE-EXAM-FUNDS: For IPC Standards Online Exam Funds

– For Online Exams, multiply the number of students who need to take the exam by $35. (e.g. 10 students X $35 = $350 CQI-ONLINE-EXAM-FUNDS).

– For Online Print exams when there is no internet in the geographic area, multiply the number of students who need to take the exam by $50. (e.g. 10 students X $50 = $500 CQI-ONLINE-EXAM-FUNDS).

IPC Customer Service
3000 Lakeside Drive, Suite 105 N
Bannockburn, IL 60015
1 847-597-2862 - Phone
1 847-615-7114 - Fax – Email


New Policy: CQI Invoice Expiration

In section 9 of the Certification Policies and Procedures,  invoices will now expire one year from date of purchase. This policy went into effect as of January 1, 2017. Any invoice purchased on or after this date will expire one year from the purchase date. There will be no refund if funds are not used by the expiration date.

All account holders will be notified prior to the expiration date.

Please note, if you have a class scheduled against an invoice that is due to expire, it must be submitted, prior to the invoice expiration date.

  •      You can also purchase Certification Exam Credits through the IPC Online Store.

Please Note: You must be an IPC MIT/CIT or an approved buyer with rights from you company to purchase the online certification exam credits. All buyers will have to pre-register with IPC in order to purchase online certification exam credits.

    1. Any MIT/CIT can place an order. If someone other than a trainer is responsible for the placing orders (Buyer) for your site, IPC needs to update their record with the appropriate role so that they can make the purchase. This request can be made through the  certification help desk.
  • Orders are address specific. The exams will only be available for the site that the purchaser is located at. Distributors and anyone purchasing for an address other than their own, need to purchase through our customer service department.
  • IPC members can order with a PO or pay immediately using a credit card. Non-members can only place an order using a credit card
  • Once an order is place, it will take up to 24 business hours for the funds to be available in the portal for use.
  • How to Order for online store
    1. You must sign in to the IPC online store (
  • Select the Training tab
  • Select Training Resources then select Certification Exams
  • There is one product to choose from, purchase in $1 increments. Select the product you wish to purchase and enter the quantity desired.
  • Finalize your order and pay for order