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How to Download Your Certificate in the Edge 2.0 Certification System (certificates can be downloaded by students only)

  1. Sign into the Edge 2.0 testing site (


2. Scroll down to "Course Overview" and select your course


3. Check your Profile status – Profile must be complete to download certificate.

4. If marked incomplete select "Update My Profile" to enter missing profile information.


5. Select "Certificate of Completion…" from Module 1 tab


6. Select "Get your certificate" to download PDF copy of your certificate

Note Regarding Optional Modules:
The green box above indicates the last time the certificate was downloaded using this link. If you have completed optional modules since that date, you will need to download your certificate from this location to prompt the system to retrieve information for those optional modules.
Downloading the certificate from the "Downloaded Certificates" box on your dashboard (pictured below) will not prompt the system to retrieve recent optional module scores, but will only produce a copy of the certificate as last issued via the mandatory module tab.
