Orders are address specific. The exams will only be available for the site that where the purchaser is located at. Distributors and anyone purchasing for an address other than their own, need to purchase through our customer service department. Customer Service can be reached through contact.us@ipc.org or by calling IPC Customer Service at +1-847-615-7100 Option 1.
IPC members can order with a PO or pay immediately using a credit card. Non-members can only place an order using a credit card.
Once an order is placeorder is placed, it will take up to 24 2 business hours for the funds to be available in the portal for use.
– For example, doing an Online Exam at the member rate, multiply the number of students who need to take the exam by $80. (e.g. 10 X $80 = $800)Exam credits can also be purchased from contact.us@ipc.org or by calling IPC Customer Service at +1-847-615-7100 Option 1.